This was on of the most eye-opening experiences for me. Hiking for 2 weeks in the mountains in the most remote place, was an experience that changed me in so many ways. It made me appreciate the simple things in life. I can be quite busy and anxious at times. This trip made me realise the importance of stepping back and being present in the moment. I kept thinking about being back in Australia and all the routines and things I rely on each day. I was so reliant on the stuff in my life. Having minimal showers and hiking 6- 8 hours a day wasn’t quite my idea of a holiday, but I am so glad I did it. I came back with such a different perspective of how I want to live my life. I also got to see some of the most incredible mountains I have ever seen.

Nepal is a place everyone should have on their bucket list. The people are so friendly. Locals take the time to smile and say hello as you walk by. I want to take you to Nepal for a few minutes. Scroll through the images below to see what it’s like hiking in one of the most mountainous regions on planet Earth.